Metrics: What's in a number?
What's in a number? by Dr Arpan Pradhan Some Important Indexing Parameters Journal Metrics 1. Impact Factor: ü IF=N/D (in Year 4); for (D) Documents in Year 1 and 2 with (N) number of citations of D documents in Year 3. ü It is Year Specific ü Requires 4-year data ü All Documents, D (Articles in particular Journal ) and Citations (N) in Web of Science ü It is a Relative Journal Metric 2. 5 year IF: ü IF=N/D (in Year 7); for (D) Documents in Year 1 and 5 with (N) number of citations of D documents in Year 6. ü Same as IF 3. CiteScore ü 5th year Publication ü CiteScore=Citations/Documents (in 4 Years) 4. IC Value ü Core WoS and Scopus 4.5 ü ESCI and Scopus ...